Monday, January 2, 2012


We recently opined about the positive influence of Christmas which was most evident in our home on Christmas Eve and Day when Family and Friends dropped by to celebrate the gift of life and each other’s company. Would that we could do this each and every day?

Come to think of it, we do this mostly every day though maybe not with the same pomp and circumstance. The celebration of life transcends the sometimes routine aspects of our existence and always remains special and an integral part of this household. This Family includes passionate and intelligent individuals (Doers) where there isn’t a boring moment with the environment often dynamic and energized. That said, some including this writer, will seek occasional refuge in the mundane and ordinary which of late has been the Dallas Cowboys and the Republican Party – well you get the idea.

Others find no comfort, rather depression in any holiday that finds them alone or “somewhere else.” We recommend finding those people in your lives and make a special effort to let them know that you are thinking of them and value their Friendship.

We saw a recent segment on NBC’s Today Show that pounded home the message that even a one sentence note can effectively acknowledge and demonstrate appreciation for Friendships. In this age of instant messaging and e-mails we have lost sight of that personal touch in our lives. My Brother John learned that lesson early on (better than me and others in the Buxton Family) and has always acknowledged special moments with a personal handwritten card. So, that's the motivation for my 2012 New Year's resolution - to be a better communicator.

Bottom Line: If we continue to depend on and devolve into electronic messaging at the expense of a personal note or visit then we will surely lose the ability to develop and engage meaningful communication and social skills and, ultimately, meaningful relationships. Behavioral psychologists tell us we are mostly already there in our younger generations which continue to fail every social interaction litmus test. No doubt these modern communication platforms have their place but not at the elimination of much more effective traditional communication options.

Many companies have found that no matter how evolved they are – whatever the preponderance of ones and zeroes in their environment – they need to constantly strive to hone their communication and people skills. Successful personal and business relationships still depend on two people looking each other squarely in the eye and coming to an agreement. While it may seem trite to say - the ability to foster and maintain positive relationships requires mutual respect and a collaborative spirit based on integrity and trust. That’s certainly earned and while IM is a good start, it’s just a beginning.

One highly respected Texas company strives to – REACH* out to Family, Friends and Associates and touch them with personal notes which document and provide very public recognition for special achievement. They call it Service Excellence. We could all use that in our personal lives… So, if you can’t physically write a note or call, use any medium at your disposal – just do it!

As The Donalds and a good Friend are want to say, Tha beatha math (ha bey-ha ma) Life is Good.

Gotta go and check my Facebook messages…

Happy Hogmanay, Aye,

Ned Buxton

*REACH = Respect, Excellence, Appreciation, Collaboration and Honor - all essential elements of the mission statement of Crossmark, Inc.

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